Krafton Rescues Tango Gameworks from Closure
Krafton, the company behind the PUBG brand, has successfully rescued Tango Gameworks, the creators of The Evil Within and Hi-Fi Rush, after Microsoft closed the studio this past May.
In a press release, Krafton expressed their excitement about welcoming the talented team into their family of internal studios. While the financial details of the acquisition remain undisclosed, Krafton highlighted that this marks their first major investment in the Japanese gaming market. Alongside Tango Gameworks, Krafton has acquired the intellectual property rights for Hi-Fi Rush, which they plan to continue developing, while allowing the team creative independence to explore new game ideas.
Recently, Krafton has collaborated closely with Xbox and ZeniMax to restore the original team composition prior to the studio's closure, successfully bringing back most of the team, including Tango Gameworks' creative director, John Johanas. Unfortunately, the Ghostwire: Tokyo and The Evil Within franchises will remain with Microsoft and are unlikely to see any further development. The acquisition will not affect the existing Game Pass subscription catalog.
Fans are hopeful that a sequel to Hi-Fi Rush or a spin-off set in the same universe will be announced soon.
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