League of Legends Patch 14.9 Update: Over 20 Champions Rebalanced and Major Hitbox Improvements Announced!
The developers of League of Legends have announced the upcoming changes for patch 14.9. This update will include rebalancing efforts for over 20 champions, such as Nilah, Akshan, Evelynn, and Malzahar. Matt "Phroxzon" Leung-Harrison, a key figure in the development team, provided a detailed look at the changes, with particular attention on Skarner and Draven.
In addition to champion rebalancing, patch 14.9 will introduce a significant hitbox update to improve gameplay clarity and ensure that the interactions meet player expectations.
Scheduled for release on May 1, 2024, patch 14.9 will not affect the Mid-Season Invitational starting the same day, as the tournament will continue to operate under patch 14.8.
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