The company Ubisoft has registered domain names for the project 'Might & Magic Fates'
As noticed by user X, known as Kurakasis, last month Ubisoft acquired the domain names mightandmagicfates.com and might-and-magic-fates.com.
Although this information has not been confirmed, it is speculated that they might be linked to previous job listings at Ubisoft Shanghai, which indicated that the Chinese studio was developing a "new AAA game for Might & Magic."
One of the positions they were recruiting for was the role of a world director, seeking candidates with significant experience in developing open-world games.
The Might & Magic series traces its roots back to 1986 with the release of the first game in the series - Might and Magic Book One: The Secret of the Inner Sanctum for Apple II, Mac, MS-DOS, Commodore 64, NES MSX, and PC-Engine.
Originally, the series was developed by New World Computing before it was absorbed by 3DO in 1996.
In 2003, following the collapse of 3DO, Ubisoft acquired the rights to the Might & Magic series for $1.3 million.
The last numbered game in the series, Might & Magic X: Legacy, was released in 2014 for PC and Mac.
It became the first mainline game in the Might & Magic series in 12 years, marking the longest gap between numbered series entries since its inception.
Published by Ubisoft and developed by Limbic Entertainment, Might & Magic X holds a Metacritic score of 71.
According to Ubisoft, "over more than three decades, the Might and Magic franchise has produced over 50 classic fantasy video games across various platforms - from PC to consoles, web games, and more recently, mobile games, including the critically acclaimed turn-based strategy Heroes of Might & Magic 3, action title Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, and 1v99 auto-battler Might & Magic: Chess Royale."
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