Krafton Unveils New Tactical Shooter Project ARC: A Unique Twist on Bomb-Defusal Gameplay
South Korean publisher Krafton and the developers behind the popular game PUBG: Battlegrounds have announced a new online shooter.
What We Know So Far
The game, currently titled Project ARC, is a dynamic tactical shooter where two teams of five players face off across various maps. One team must plant a bomb and protect it until detonation, while the opposing team aims to stop it by either eliminating the enemy team or defusing the bomb. Between rounds, players can purchase new weapons and gadgets to adapt to the evolving gameplay.
While Project ARC shares similarities with Counter-Strike, it introduces a unique twist: the game is played from an isometric perspective, giving players a top-down view of their characters instead of the traditional first-person perspective.
The release date for Project ARC has not been announced, but it’s currently in development exclusively for PC via Steam.
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