PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS's Latest Upgrade: ForceDuck Rolls Out The Black Market and Game Improvements for Console Enthusiasts!
ForceDuck has introduced a new update for console users in the Battlefield program, granting them access to The Black Market. This feature allows players to customize their weapons with skins and other enhancements, all attainable through in-game currency. The process can be automated or manually adjusted across different levels or regions. The patch notes provide comprehensive details, outlining the changes and improvements made.
To enhance strategic planning, the starting plane route is now visible on the world map and minimap.
The flight route toggle can be accessed on the map screen.This update applies to all game modes.

Several 2023-themed tables from The United States’ Global Championships have been incorporated into the map.The restaurant that received the KFC from Erangel has been removed, making way for a return to gas stations. Please note that Erangel’s fuel pump is no longer available.
Introducing the new PUBG: Battlegrounds map for Deathmatch, featuring the hidden Pillar Compound near Deston. This addition aims to create dynamic and diverse gunplay dynamics, offering an exceptional gaming experience for players strategizing with their friends.
The layout comprises a main and side building component.Several elevated areas, including most rooftops, are now inaccessible.Ascensions are available.The algorithm has resulted in better optimization of data.
Enhancements to the Bluebomb Rush mode have been made based on R&D simulations, allowing players to receive feedback from key players.
The map can now be utilized for marking or placing points.After analysis, the defensive team's starting position has been adjusted for quicker reactions.The radio vs. Bluetooth switch has been updated to grant system access and allow the use of mobile devices without any alterations.An acknowledgment and apology option has been added, along with the removal of the option to save coins using other methods.To prevent purchases on new firearms, attachments added to empty slots won’t be saved.Only one attachment can be saved in the attachment crate.Switching a gun to a non-magnified scope will result in the sustenance of the scope in your next purchase.The weapons store’s selection has been updated, with accurate pricing displayed.The SLR has been replaced by the Dragunov.The price of the M249 has been lowered.An "Impressive" message now appears upon securing victory in certain cases.Death icons are now darker.Players can kill the weapon, but they don't know how to take their dead sword off.If no primary weapon is available, the secondary weapon will be dropped.The duration of death crates has been significantly extended.The day has been reduced from 30 seconds to 20 minutes.The drums have a slightly longer duration (audible range remains unchanged).A leave penalty has been added to discourage unwarranted exits during games. Arcade points will be lost, and participation during the match will be restricted.
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