New Honkai: Star Rail Character Jiaoqiu Revealed: Skills, Ultimate, and Talent
A recent leak for Honkai: Star Rail has provided in-depth details about a new five-star character named Jiaoqiu, highlighting his Skill, Ultimate, and Talent. This character has been officially confirmed by Honkai: Star Rail’s social media channels and is slated for release in update 2.4.
Jiaoqiu isn't the only new character on the horizon. HoYoverse has also introduced Yunli, another five-star character, with splash art and a brief introduction. As per usual, these two characters will be released across the two banner cycles in update 2.4.
Since its launch in April 2023, Honkai: Star Rail has consistently introduced at least one new character per update, with Robin and Boothill being the latest additions in update 2.2. As Version 2.3 approaches, players are eagerly awaiting Firefly, a highly anticipated character in the community. While Firefly's official release is imminent, beta leaks have already unveiled details about upcoming characters, including Jiaoqiu.
Jiaoqiu's Abilities Detailed
Basic Attack: A standard single-target attack.
Skill: Jiaoqiu deals Fire damage to an enemy and two nearby targets. The primary target receives a stack effect called Roast the Ash.
Ultimate: Jiaoqiu adjusts the number of Ash stacks on enemies to the highest stack count on the field. He then activates a field effect that deals Fire damage based on his ATK, lasting for three turns, making him a potent support character.
Jiaoqiu's abilities revolve around the Roast the Ash stacks, tied to his Talent. This effect allows him to apply a stack whenever his Basic ATK, Skill, or Ultimate hits an enemy. Depending on the number of stacks, they can increase incoming damage by 7.5%-18.8%.
Release Date and Considerations
It's important to note that these leaks should be taken cautiously, as HoYoverse might still tweak Jiaoqiu’s abilities before his official release. Rumors suggest that Jiaoqiu will be featured in the second part of Honkai: Star Rail Version 2.4, likely around August 20.
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