Xbox removed a post that claimed the beta version of Final Fantasy 14 for Xbox was already live
The official Xbox Wire information portal has retracted a post that claimed the open beta version of Final Fantasy 14 was already live on Xbox.
The upcoming open beta, anticipated in the following weeks, marks the debut of this popular multiplayer online role-playing project on Xbox consoles.
Xbox Wire, the in-house editorial brand of Xbox, admitted to an "erroneous post this morning regarding the initiation of the Final Fantasy XIV Online open beta" and assured that they will "supply the accurate date as soon as it is available."
Xbox and Bethesda are scheduled to host a Developer Direct presentation on Thursday, possibly serving as the official confirmation of the release date.
In June 2023, it was officially disclosed that Final Fantasy 14 would be released on Series X and S when Xbox chief Phil Spencer made a surprise appearance at the Final Fantasy 14 Fan Festival in Las Vegas.
According to details from Xbox, the Series X version of the game supports 4K graphics, and both Series X and Series S versions ensure swift loading times.
The Expanded Free Trial, accessible on PC and PlayStation, will also be applicable on Xbox.
This signifies that players will have the opportunity to progress through the complete base game A Realm Reborn, along with its initial expansions Heavensward and Stormblood, up to level 70 without any time limitations.
Upon reaching level 70, players will be required to subscribe to a monthly fee to continue playing the game.
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