EGW-NewsDota 2The new patch 7.33d for Dota 2 has been released, addressing issues and introducing improvements for certain heroes

The new patch 7.33d for Dota 2 has been released, addressing issues and introducing improvements for certain heroes
Dota 2 has released the 7.33d patch, which brings fixes for heroes like Medusa, Doom, and others. This update was released on June 16th at 09:52 EEST. As part of the update, Valve has reworked certain items and made adjustments to the attributes of several heroes.
The item changes in patch 7.33d include:
- The recipe cost for Eternal Shroud has been reduced from 800 to 600 gold, resulting in a total cost decrease from 3300 to 3100 gold. The mana restoration from enemy spells has been increased from 25% to 30%.
- The recipe for Octarine Core has been modified. The new recipe requires two Void Stones (700 gold each), Soul Booster (3000 gold), and a recipe (200 gold). The bonus health regeneration has been removed, while the mana regeneration bonus has been increased from 3.25 to 5.
- The bonus health regeneration from Ring of Health and Vanguard has been reduced from 4.75 to 4.5. The damage block from Vanguard has also been decreased from 56/28 to 50/25 (for melee/ranged heroes respectively).
Some of the hero changes in patch 7.33d include:
- For the hero Abaddon, the base attack speed has been decreased from 120 to 95. The mana cost for Aphotic Shield has been increased, and the base slow bonus from Aghanim's Shard for Curse of Avernus has been reduced from 10% to 5%. There have also been adjustments to certain talents for the hero.
- The bonus damage per stack from Sticky Napalm for the hero Batrider has been reduced, and the movement slow from Flamebreak has been decreased from 25% to 10/15/20/25%.
- The damage from Wild Axes for the hero Beastmaster has been decreased, and the hawk's vision radius from Call of the Wild has been reduced from 600/700/800/900 to 600/650/700/750.
Additionally, there have been changes made to heroes like Medusa, Monkey King, Doom, and Techies in this update. The complete list of changes can be found on the official game website.
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