Natus Vincere's Transformation: An In-Depth Look at their BLAST Premier Fall Groups Performance
After boldly transitioning away from their core brand identity and embracing a selection of European talent, Natus Vincere's new direction was put to the test at BLAST Premier Fall Groups. With Aleksi "Aleksib" Virolainen, Mihai "iM" Ivan and Justinas "jL" Lekavicius on board, the team faced increased scrutiny, making a strong start in Copenhagen vital.
The revamped Natus Vincere displayed promise, securing a map victory over Heroic, a series win against G2, and a spot in the Royal Arena for the Fall Final. However, their journey was not without challenges, particularly on the CT side, which needs further refinement for consistent success.
The Recipe for Success
On the T side, the team followed the predicted roles we identified earlier. jL and Valeriy "b1t" Vakhovskiy worked as lurkers on the map's edges, with jL playing the more aggressive role. iM handled the brawl-heavy T-side roles alongside main roamer Aleksib and AWPer s1mple.

The same predictions held true for the Counter-Terrorist side. iM retained his favored positions, acting as the big site rifler and rotator. b1t usually paired with iM on the big site as the anchor player. On the small site, jL and Aleksib joined forces, with jL anchoring more often than not. Aleksib was instrumental in both halves of the map, serving as a roamer on T and rotating on CT, while s1mple handled AWPing duties.
NAVI's Strongest Maps
During Fall Groups, Natus Vincere consistently picked Mirage as their home map, with Inferno and Nuke being their most fruitful battlegrounds. Although their performance on Mirage was a mixed bag, they displayed prowess on Inferno, defeating G2 and Heroic with tight scores. Their Overpass game against Astralis was also commendable, showing potential on this map with further practice.

Defensive Challenges
While Natus Vincere showcased a potent T side, their CT side revealed some shortcomings. iM's individual performance on the CT side fell short of expectations, and the team struggled to coordinate effectively, particularly when reacting to opponents. The language barrier, as the team now communicates in a non-native language, may contribute to occasional coordination issues. As b1t continues to improve his English, these struggles should gradually lessen, bolstering their CT-side potency.

Promising Signs
Despite the challenges, the team improved game by game during the tournament. Their CT sides became less shaky, and they demonstrated resilience by bouncing back after a disastrous Ancient match against Astralis. As they continue to build synergy, we can expect Natus Vincere to further solidify their position as a top-tier team and potentially make deep runs in upcoming tournaments.
In conclusion, Natus Vincere's transformation marks an exciting new chapter for the team, and there is undeniable evidence to suggest that with further refinement and coordination, they have the potential to reclaim their spot at the top of the competitive scene. As they gear up for future challenges, their ability to adapt and grow will be key to their success on the global stage.