More Mean Streets of Gadgetzan card reveals and discussion!
“Minion in your hand” Mechanics
We have a few more cards to discuss from this archetype, including Don Han’Cho! At first glance, this card looks crazy. And, in all honesty, it is crazy. The fact that he costs 7 mana means a turn 7 Brann Bronzebeard followed up by this big guy is +10/+10 worth of stats tossed around your hand. Those are no laughing matter! The fact that it can be used in Hunter, Paladin and Warrior limits the craziness of its usage, but come on – a 11/10 Savannah Highmane is still crazy stats!
The slightly less impressive Paladin variant of this series, Grimestreet Enforcer, can be pretty good. I like to compare it as an inherently better version of Mistcaller, and here’s why – at first glance, either can be better in given scenarios, but this provides kill pressure. Mistcaller just kind of sits out there as a 6 mana 4/4, hopefully to trade with a late game Azure Drake drop at best, and that’s it. This can force out an instinctive Fireball, or more forms of removal that would not regularly be used on a vanilla 4/4. I think this card has a lot of potential, but won’t be quite as game changing as Don.
Evolve Mechanics
There are some cards that are almost strictly to be used with the Shaman’s various Evolve mechanics. These include, first of all, the Big-Time Racketeer. A 6 mana 1/1 can get value yet unheard of throughout the lands of value town when evolved, and a 6/6 to boot! We don’t know the mana cost of it yet, but I would guess it could also be at 6, which can be insane value by turn 7.
The Dopplegangster – I love this card. Three 5 mana 2/2’s can get even more incredible value on turn 6 if used with Evolve, and that is just gross. Not too much else to say about this one - have I mentioned that I really love this card?
Priest isn’t dead?
This entire section basically revolved around Dragonfire Potion, and as someone who plays a lot of Priest, I am so happy to see this card being printed. It’s the board clear they’ve needed for so long, and I, as well as many others, are sick and tired of running Excavated Evils in our Priest decks entirely due to the fact that we don’t have any other forms of reliable removal, so we’re forced to run it instead. The fact that it’s Epic makes it a little more difficult to come across, but entirely worth the 400 dust investment per card. I can easily, easily see this making its way into every Priest deck across the board. Hell, it even lets your Dragons live through the damage!
Pint-Sized Potion is insane. End of discussion, this card is nuts. Combo that with a Stampeeding Kodo, or better yet, Cabal Shadow Priest, can swing a game on its head faster than you can say Gadgetzan! It’s essentially the reprint of Shrinkmeister that we’ve all needed.