Sega and an artificial intelligence startup have developed a technology that utilizes artificial intelligence to create monsters in voxel format
Sega and the startup Eques have unveiled a new project, joining forces in the field of artificial intelligence. Their innovative technology allows players to create unique monsters by describing them in text form.
These fantastical creatures are formed from voxels - three-dimensional cubic pixels, creating a style reminiscent of Minecraft.
In GIF animation examples, users, using the Japanese language, describe a monster, such as "bear, black, scary," and the technology generates a small voxel bear. Similarly, a request for a "yellow fox, long ears" results in the creation of a creature matching the description.
This innovative project will be showcased at the JIKEI COM Game and eSports Show in Japan this weekend.
Contrary to its basic structure, Sega and Eques claim that they plan to use the developed technology for user-generated content (UGC) in the future.
In a statement from Sega, it is noted: "The importance of user-generated content (UGC) is becoming increasingly crucial in the gaming and metaverse world. Despite the lowering threshold for creating UGC, it still remains inaccessible to many ordinary users. Recent advancements in generative artificial intelligence technology have inspired us to explore how feasible it is to simplify the creation of UGC using this technology and to investigate its potential in the gaming world.
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