Valve Updates Dota 2: Players to Vote on Treasure Chest Contents, Enhanced Interface Features Introduced
Valve has recently updated Dota 2, integrating a feature from Dota Labs into the game’s user interface. Players now have the opportunity to influence which sets are included in treasure chests through a voting system.
This development was announced on the official Dota 2 website, highlighting a key enhancement from Dota Labs: an improved health bar that is more visible. This feature can be activated in the Interface section of the game options.

Additionally, Valve has initiated a voting process for the Collector's Cache, featuring the best sets from the Crownfall event, which includes 248 entries. The outcome of this vote will be revealed on May 21st. Valve is encouraging creators to participate in selecting the sets for the next Collector's Cache and to express their preferences and suggestions. A feedback button has also been added, allowing Valve to gather input directly from players on their expectations for the game.
It's worth noting that in March 2024, Dota 2's developers launched Dota Labs, introducing three experimental features: action filtering, a transparent minimap, and the enhanced health bar. The timeline for the rollout of the remaining features is still to be determined.
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