Valve released the 7.35b update for Dota 2
On the night of December 22nd, Dota 2released the 7.35b update. A week after the digital update's release, developers weakened strong heroes and bolstered those who were less successful.
Popular items from the 7.35 update, such as Shiva's Guard, Solar Crest, Veil of Discord, Pavise, and others, underwent expected negative changes. There were also modifications to item combinations involving Kaya.
Regarding the heroes, some leaders in wins across all levels of the game - like Outworld Devourer, Leshrac, Timbersaw, among others - received nerfs. Valve also strengthened some carry heroes reliant on physical damage, such as Phantom Assassin, Sven, Templar Assassin, and more.
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